Charusat Address and Contact Number
Charusat Contact Phone Number is : 02697-247 500
and Address is -Changa, Petlad, Anand-388 421, Gujarat, IndiaThe Charotar University of Science and Technology is public institution located in Changa, Petlad, Anand, Gujrat. The Charotar University was established in 2009 under the Gujarat Act No 8 of 2009. The University offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Technology, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy and Nursing. The address and contact number of Charusat is also used for charusat Result, charusat placements, charusat recruitment, charusat faculty and charusat syllabus. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Charusat is mentioned in below section.
Address of Charusat
The address of Charusat is -Changa, Petlad, Anand-388 421, Gujarat, India.Contact Number of Charusat
The contact number of Charusat is 02697-247 500.Email Address of Charusat
The email address of Charusat is , of Charusat
The Website of Charusat is this information
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