Cdk Address and Contact Number

Cdk Contact Phone Number is : +632 536 8350-523 8665-536 327

and Address is Ground Floor, Suite 2 and 3, Midland Plaza Hotel, M Adriatico Street, Ermita, Manila, Philippines
CDK InterNational is the placement agency and manpower consulting firm. It was set up by Cristeta A Morales on June 27 1990. The agency offers a board range of Services like Recruitment and SElection, Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar, Ticketing and Airline Reservation, Pre-Departure Briefing and Airport Assistance. The address and contact number of Cdk is also used for Cdk music, Cdk war thunder, Cdk interNational agency, Cdk inhibitors, Cdk interNational manpower Services corp and Cdk agency job hiring.

Fax Nmuber:-+632 5363273. Opening Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm and Saturday : 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cdk is mentioned in below section.

Address of Cdk

The address of Cdk is Ground Floor, Suite 2 and 3, Midland Plaza Hotel, M Adriatico Street, Ermita, Manila, Philippines.

Contact Number of Cdk

The contact number of Cdk is +632 536 8350-523 8665-536 327.

Email Address of Cdk

The email address of Cdk is

Website of Cdk

The Website of Cdk is

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Cdk Address Contact Number
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