Cavinkare Address and Contact Number

Cavinkare Contact Phone Number is : 044-24317550

and Address is Cavin Ville, No-12, Cenotaph Road, Chennai - 600 018, India
The Cavin Kare Pvt Ltd is a worldwide private Conglomerate Company. The Company was established by C K Ranganathan in 1983. The headquarter of the Cavinkare is located in Chennai, India. It serves in more than 13 countries all over the world. The Company offers a large range of products like peanut candies, snacks, ethnic, pickles, coconut oil, curd and toned etc. Besides this, it also provides beverages like fruit drinks and flavored milk. It works with six group companies namely: United Agro Care India Private Limited, Cavin Kare Private Limited, Garden Namkeens Private Limited, Cavin Kare Bangladesh Private Limited, Trends In Vogue Private Limited and Hemalatha Enterprises Private Limited. The address and contact number of Cavinkare is also used for Cavinkare products, Cavinkare Company, Cavinkare jobs, Cavinkare careers and Cavinkare dairy.

Fax Number:- 044-24362879. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cavinkare is mentioned in below section.

Address of Cavinkare

The address of Cavinkare is Cavin Ville, No-12, Cenotaph Road, Chennai - 600 018, India.

Contact Number of Cavinkare

The contact number of Cavinkare is 044-24317550.

Email Address of Cavinkare

The email address of Cavinkare is

Website of Cavinkare

The Website of Cavinkare is

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Cavinkare Address Contact Number
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