Castel Santangelo Address and Contact Number

Castel Santangelo Contact Phone Number is : 06 681 9111

and Address is Ponte Sant Angelo, Rome, Province of Rome, Italy
Castel Santangelo is also called Mausoleum of Hadrian is the beautiful historical place located in Rome, Italy. It is the towering structure in cylindrical shape and was once the tallest building in Rome. It was set up by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in the form of tomb for himself and his Family between 123 AD and 139 AD. Later on it was designated as fort by the popes. Castel Santangelo is now transformed into a Museum. The address and contact number of Castel Santangelo is also used for Castel Sant'angelo hadrian, Castel Sant'angelo tickets, Castel Sant'angelo glyph, Castel Sant'angelo tripadvisor, Castel Sant'angelo orari and Castel Sant'angelo map. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Castel Santangelo is mentioned in below section.

Address of Castel Santangelo

The address of Castel Santangelo is Ponte Sant Angelo, Rome, Province of Rome, Italy.

Contact Number of Castel Santangelo

The contact number of Castel Santangelo is 06 681 9111.

Email Address of Castel Santangelo

The email address of Castel Santangelo is

Website of Castel Santangelo

The Website of Castel Santangelo is

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Castel Santangelo Address Contact Number
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