Cassandra Clare Address and Contact Number

Cassandra Clare Contact Phone Number is :

and Address is Los Angles, California, US
Cassandra Clare is a American author. She was born on 27 July 1973 in Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran and writes in Young adult fiction genre. She shot into fame with her series "The Mortal Instruments". Her other popular novel series including Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, Clockwork Princess, Prince of Shadows, Vampires, Scones and Edmund Herondale etc. The address and contact number of Cassandra Clare is also used for Cassandra Clare infernal devICEs, The dark artifacts Cassandra Clare, Clockwork angel Cassandra Clare, City of fallen angels Cassandra Clare and Cassandra Clare city of lost souls pdf. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cassandra Clare is mentioned in below section.

Address of Cassandra Clare

The address of Cassandra Clare is Los Angles, California, US.

Contact Number of Cassandra Clare

The contact number of Cassandra Clare is .

Email Address of Cassandra Clare

The email address of Cassandra Clare is

Website of Cassandra Clare

The Website of Cassandra Clare is

Contact Person of Cassandra Clare

The contact person of Cassandra Clare is Cassandra Clare.

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Cassandra Clare Address Contact Number
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