Carmen Simionescu Address and Contact Number

Carmen Simionescu Contact Phone Number is : +40 0733 986 726

and Address is 18 Giulesti Way, Giulesti, Bucharest Bucharest, Romania
Karmen, born on the 13th of December 1997, also known as Silvia Claudia Simionescu, is a pop and R&B singer from Bucharest, Romania. She is very passionate about everything that is art: music, acting, dance. She even knows how to play the flute! Moreover, the artist travels to Berlin and London perpetually to participate in composing sessions as she also wishes to develop her songwriting skills.The artist's first single was released in 2015 under the name of "Domino". The track was a real hit, being received very well by the public and gaining more than 16 million views in Youtube. Her 2018 track, “Lock My Hips“, became a total hit in Romania, ranking in the Top 5 of Romania's Radio Airplay Chart. A unique band, Carmen combined flamenco music with progressive rock. Karmen is a Romanian singer-songwriter which represented Romania with BRUJA in the thirty-fifth edition of the North Vision Song Contest with the her songs. Romanian singer Karmen has dropped her awesome new single "Bam Bam" and a performance-style accompanying music video, through Atom records. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Carmen Simionescu is mentioned in below section.

Address of Carmen Simionescu

The address of Carmen Simionescu is 18 Giulesti Way, Giulesti, Bucharest Bucharest, Romania.

Contact Number of Carmen Simionescu

The contact number of Carmen Simionescu is +40 0733 986 726.

Email Address of Carmen Simionescu

The email address of Carmen Simionescu is

Website of Carmen Simionescu

The Website of Carmen Simionescu is

Contact Person of Carmen Simionescu

The contact person of Carmen Simionescu is Alina.

Carmen Simionescu Source of Knowledge
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