Candid Marketing Address and Contact Number

Candid Marketing Contact Phone Number is : 02265722722 , 9582141414

and Address is Sultania House, 2nd Floor, 18 Subhash Road, Vile Parle, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Candid Marketing is the event management firm. It organizes various event management shows such as road shows,promotions,trade marketing, corporate Services etc. It was started in end of 90s and has given Services to many leading companies such as Star TV, Pepsico, Nokia, Google etc. The Company also offers application Services for the mobile, tab and computer. The address and contact number of Candid Marketing is also used for Candid Marketing jobs, Candid Marketing Services and Candid Marketing Sant Nagar. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Candid Marketing is mentioned in below section.

Address of Candid Marketing

The address of Candid Marketing is Sultania House, 2nd Floor, 18 Subhash Road, Vile Parle, Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Contact Number of Candid Marketing

The contact number of Candid Marketing is 02265722722 , 9582141414.

Email Address of Candid Marketing

The email address of Candid Marketing is .

Website of Candid Marketing

The Website of Candid Marketing is

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Candid Marketing Address Contact Number
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