Calgary Zoo Address and Contact Number

Calgary Zoo Contact Phone Number is : +1 403-232-9300

and Address is 1300 Zoo Road NE, Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7V6, Canada
Calgary Zoo is situated in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It was opened in the year 1929. The Zoo has total area of 0.3 square kilometer. It is operated by the Calgary Zoological Society. The Calgary Zoo houses more than 290 animal species, some of them are tigers, alpine ibex, asian elephants, snow leopards, japanese macaques, albertosaurus, allosaurus, ankylosaurus and red pandas. It is the second largest zoo in Canada. This zoo has three members namely: Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) and Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums (CAZA). The address and contact number of Calgary Zoo is also used for Calgary Zoo Dinosaurs Alive, Calgary attractions, Calgary Tower, Calgary Zoo Membership, Calgary Zoo Elephants and Calgary Zoo Penguins . The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Calgary Zoo is mentioned in below section.

Address of Calgary Zoo

The address of Calgary Zoo is 1300 Zoo Road NE, Calgary, Alberta, T2E 7V6, Canada.

Contact Number of Calgary Zoo

The contact number of Calgary Zoo is +1 403-232-9300.

Email Address of Calgary Zoo

The email address of Calgary Zoo is .

Website of Calgary Zoo

The Website of Calgary Zoo is

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Calgary Zoo Address Contact Number
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