Cafe Muscat Address and Contact Number
Cafe Muscat Contact Phone Number is : (718)591-4050
and Address is 178-07 Union Tpke Fresh Meadows, NY 11366, USThe Cafe Muscat is a Famous restaurant opened in 2006 in New York, US by Alon Assayag and Yossi Biton. The ingredients of the food items served here are home prepared while cheese are brought from Israel. It is known for cuisine from Israel, Meediterranean, Greek, Shakshuka and fish dishes. The address and contact number of Cafe Muscat is also used for Cafe Muscat events, Cafe Muscat coupon, Cafe Muscat restaurant and Muscat kosher dairy restaurant. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Cafe Muscat is mentioned in below section.
Address of Cafe Muscat
The address of Cafe Muscat is 178-07 Union Tpke Fresh Meadows, NY 11366, US.Contact Number of Cafe Muscat
The contact number of Cafe Muscat is (718)591-4050.Email Address of Cafe Muscat
The email address of Cafe Muscat is .Website of Cafe Muscat
The Website of Cafe Muscat is this information
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