Brian Moynihan Bank of America Address and Contact Number

Brian Moynihan Bank of America Contact Phone Number is : 704-386-5681

and Address is Marietta, Ohio, United states
Brian Moynihan is the President and CEO of Bank of America. He was born on 9,October,1959 in Marietta, Ohio United States. He married to Susan E. Berry and fathered three Children. Moynihan has been Student of Brown University and earned J.D from He earned a J.D. from the University of Notre Dame Law School. The address and contact number of Brian Moynihan Bank of America is also used for Bank of America News, Brian Moynihan biography, Brian Moynihan democrat, Brian Moynihan Wikileaks and Brian Moynihan Wellesley. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Brian Moynihan Bank of America is mentioned in below section.

Address of Brian Moynihan Bank of America

The address of Brian Moynihan Bank of America is Marietta, Ohio, United states.

Contact Number of Brian Moynihan Bank of America

The contact number of Brian Moynihan Bank of America is 704-386-5681.

Email Address of Brian Moynihan Bank of America

The email address of Brian Moynihan Bank of America is

Website of Brian Moynihan Bank of America

The Website of Brian Moynihan Bank of America is

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Brian Moynihan Bank of America User Reports

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Ms. Ms WilsonApr 15, 2023
I have been a banker since 1996 and this is the worst I have been treated. I have been dealing with this issue since December 2022. No one seems to want to help when you call. Reps are so quick to put your call through to someone else. Claims dept taking money out of my account before reviewing the details of the account and contacting the customer. Sent an email to Holly O'Neil and Brian CEO just waiting a response. These call center reps have absolutely no customer service skills. Their just hiding behind the keyboard and talking out the side of their neck. All calls should be monitored.
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Ms. RubyOct 19, 2022
I"ve been with Bank of America for 20 years. I woke up to my accounts being closed, with no explanation other than a script that BOFA has the right to close. I have called, and tried to get a hold of anyone, but same script They have had to made a mistake, there is no reason for this Can't get a hold of anyone.
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Mr. Harold Stanley replied to Ms. Ruby
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Mr. Harold StanleyDec 08, 2022
The bank of america is run by incompetent thieves. I have a substantial amount of money in my account and they refuse to let me withdraw any of it. This has been going on for 3 weeks. The bank representative says i am correct but there is nothing that can be done. How unfortunate that i have this account. I will probably take my money elsewhere unless this is resolved.
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Ms. Marie DeMariaSep 02, 2022
I just came back from visiting your Roosevelt Rd Branch in Chicago. I had a check issued to me by a towing company for bad service. It was for $50. 00 I was a victim of a rear ending and he was trying to make amends. Now after cashing the check and half heartedly being told while she was giving me out the money that there was a $8. 00 chargefor not being a customer of yours I again feel like I h ave been a victim again. This time from a clever banking tool. Have you enough money? Have you enough vacations? I am a long time Realtor and still am and would never work with a Bank that made me feel as though I was again rear ended. Thank YOu so much for all of your courtesy

Taking advantage again. Hmmm seem to recall in the housing problem you guys did well. I would never recommend you to anyone. Marie Demaria
mariedemaria@att. Net.
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Ms. Judith GuziakAug 09, 2022
I am in the process of closing my BofA account after being a customer since 1986. BofA has intentionally stole money right out of my account, cancelled my home loan after answering a million questions verbally and in writing without explanation. They didn't even tell me they refused to refi, just cancelled my loan portal. I had ten times the money I was borrowing in their bank with excellent credit and no other financial issues. I was refi ing a loan FROM them. They cost me time and money making it almost impossible to get MY money out for emergency expenses. It took me far too long to come to my senses and leave. None of their links to contact work. Maybe a group of us should go after them together. E mail me @
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Ms. FRANCES PREGOJun 01, 2022
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Ms. Bonnie Salsone replied to Ms. FRANCES PREGO
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Ms. Bonnie SalsoneJul 30, 2022
I have a story too about bofa. Let's compare notes.
email me then i will give you my phone number
Bsalsone@cbamhomes. Com
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Ms. Lytosha replied to Ms. FRANCES PREGO
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Ms. LytoshaJul 12, 2022
Hi i just tried to send an email and it said the email cannot receive messages. Wow. Guess i will be homeless because of their rules but it my money they pull out my check every week. Guess he has bigger fish to fry. Wow just wow.
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Ms. Sheila BrennenMar 15, 2022
Bank of America Board of Directors,
I’m sending a grievance, regarding the quality of service that seems to be provided by Bank of America card. In my opinion it appears Bank Of America card has gone from five star stellar service to one Star. I filled a dispute 3/7/22, regarding being charged by airline twice for baggage and twice for a seat, I went to the office on McKnight Rd, Pittsburgh Pa 3/14/22, to inquire of the status of my dispute, I was told they were busy and couldn’t take care of me because they would be closing at four pm est, and suggested I call, I called 3/15/22 10am est, I was told several times I was in the wrong department and was transferred overall four times with approximately, 40 to 50 minute hold time, which appears to be The standard wait time for service, by 1pm, est, gave up trying to find out about the status of my dispute. Regards
Sheila Brennen.
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Ms. Melissa RudolphFeb 08, 2022
BofA is ASLEEP Not a single person to talk with at the actual bank, Customer Service doesn't answer, but will be happy to let you hold for hours, and when making an appointment, the person calls to discourage meeting in person, therefore giving me advice that was worthless. Unbelievable that this bank cannot help, but they certainly can charge you monthly fees on an account that has a zero balance. Which I have been trying to close for weeks
Beside myself at this point and ready to change banks all together. When is this BS with BOA going to end? Moynihan gets 32 Million a year to do what? He certainly isnt investing in the customer service his bank provides, or into anything reasonable for the customers as it appears by the other complaints I am getting out before its too late and they take all my money.
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Ms. Ms LozanoDec 28, 2021
The worst bank ever they do not know what they are doing. I refinance with another organization one year ago and they still calling and harassing me claiming that I am delinquent with my mortage payments. I have copies of the cleared payments checks and still they can not find where the money was allocated maybe is in someone's pocket or account. I sent a letter to Mr. Moynihan, and he didn't even have the decency to reply. What kind of organization this is? Do not bank with BOA you will be sorry.
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Ms. Ms. EdwardsDec 20, 2021
Horrible customer Service - I have been with this bank for over 25 years, and I am attempting to obtain a check for a credit issued to my account since September 2021. I have sent a letter to Mr. Moynihan and attempted to send an email to his address which is being bounced back. Customer Service agents and several supervisors have have spoken with are useless. This is the worst financial institution have have had to associate with. Ms. Edwards .
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Ms. Debbie peterDec 04, 2021
Trying to send an email to you brian. T. Keeps coming back user unkown. Please supply correct email. I am querying and requesting reimbursement of usd1231. 37 that your bank Incorrectly charged me
Case number 211122CR0015827

Debbie Peter .
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Mr. Gerald RobinsonAug 12, 2021
How bad is this bank, When you put a check in there ATM on June 14 2021 an it took to Aug 8th to clear. BUT how can it clear on the 8th of Aug When it is NOT taken on of the account that wrote it. I wrote the check I called the Bank an was told It would be taken oy by Aug 20th. I have been calling the bank an two times I was hung up on when I asked for a Supervisor. It took four calls to the bank an on the phone fo over five hours. How bad is the service going to get.
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Mr. Bizhan NaimiAug 05, 2021
from Mr. Bizhan Naimi , Country of Afghanistan. Please contact me as soon as possible ?

where is my Fund ?

how many more times i should send Money to Nigeria ?
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Ms. Susan HollandApr 08, 2021
My husband and I have banked at this bank for 34 years, also our corp. Has been at this bank for 29 years. We are very disappointed by how the bank is operating at this time, no other bank in this area is operating like this one. When our bank opens up again we will be moving our business elsewhere.
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Mr. Jay replied to Ms. Susan Holland
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Mr. JayOct 12, 2021
F bank of america and their bs vaccine mandates for employees. The corporate retards there or just invested in the product they are forcing people to take. Why would you take something that you have to sign a waiver on saying that they are responsible for any side effects? how stupid do you have to be to do that?.
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Mr. Joseph Ward SchwendingerMar 09, 2021
Hopefully (not meant in humor) somebody, anybody that actually cares

Yikes, no lower than 0 should be a -1 or something. I have been a member of this bank for about 14 years, I have financed a couple of cars had almost every government check I've ever gotten through this bank including the last few years of 100 % disability checks. They (VA) figure I was damaged in VietNam, as a US Marine. In the iast several years I have gotten NOTHING, but severe grief and hassle Due to be noted II WANT NOTHING FROM YOU PEOPLE EXCEPT A FAIR AND TRUTHFUL ANSWER. Exactly what kind of show are you running.
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Ms. joan Ann brownFeb 23, 2021
The reason for this message is because I heard on FOX News that BOA has giving personal information to entities that we have not given permission to do. We have been customers for many years and this is very very upsetting. Our information should be protected in the highest level. As the greatest Bank in our country I would think you would operate above reproach without any releasing any of our personal information to anyone. I hope this release does not come back and bite us. This information in any form should not be released to anyone
Walter and JOan Brown.
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Mr. George E BrooksJan 08, 2021
Dear Mr. Brian Moynihan
I have an account with bank of America in the state of Washington. For the last two in a half months the bank not only put an Adblocker on my computer from the bank I received a new
Debit card I call in my card and I am being to that there is no card number. Some guy called me from the bank and said that they
did not put a adblocker on my computer, I have Norton and Norton
did a remote search on my computer and Norton said that the Bank
of America put the adblocker on my computer I am not able to see my account.
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Ms. Ellen FloodSep 27, 2020
Can't e-mail corporate office


I'm desperate or I would not have written this. My husband has called and spoken with over twenty different people at Bank of America trying to close our line of credit (paid off) and get a letter so we can get our money back from a recent closing to no avail. We get the run around and claim it's because of you recent upgrade. We are begging you for HELP.
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Ms. marquita forrestJul 04, 2018
He was attentive to my issue. And his response was speedy.
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Mr. Seyed Nooraldin JaddyAug 29, 2016
Dear Mr. Hello
its time you put in my possession of you sincerely thank you. I Iran Hamedan Province sent a message for you. Yesterday I was a message to the following sent its content to send for you. Person sending their message with your name has been introduced in the letter, and pointed out that the specification of a request that my complete specifications and specifications of my bank account for them is to send. Now, dear friend, you have to be true in the case of the message, I informed me of the result of the information to the request to send for you. " before and I thank you with my whole heart co - operation. Impatiently waiting for an answer you, dear friend. Thankfully
Iran - Hamadan.
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Mr. Isak ISoApr 22, 2016
LOW and BEHOLD MOHNIHAN the CEO of Bank of America. Your appearance in the disappearance of Maha Visconti's funds which are also our funds from proceeds of the home we ALL worked extensively to sell to get paid back. The invesstigators involved have incovered that you the crimnal mind of BRIAN MOHNIHAN knew and know along with his partners in this conspiracy from his executive office about the $301, 000 Bank America stole and did not report the front criminal who committed the crime to the District attorney office as indicated in our investigative reports. And of course this branch manager called Anita Allahverdian must be going by BOA executives instructions or she wouldn't dare keep the account open for this criminals who stole our funds and cashed out THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS of our money that was never returned back to us to this date. WHAT A SHAME. WE ALL PRAY THAT YOU ALL FACE JAIL TIME AND END UP IN FEDERAL PRISON FOR THE YEARS TO COME.
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Ms. Maha ViscontiApr 20, 2016
This is the most corrupt and word Bank in the World. CEO of the Bank Mr. BRIAN. T. MOYNIHAN and his executive office members have coached and instructed a disgraceful Branch manager ANITA ALLAHVERDIA at Bank of America located on Linkershim Bloulevard to open a Bank account for a criminal by the name of KARAPET TOROSYAN who stole and cashed out business check for $301, 000. This Torsyan formed a Nevada Corporation by the name of my corporation HEDGE FUND, INC on September 18, 2014 and two business days later he walked to this BOA Branch and opened a Bank account, deposited the stolen check by the exclusive help of this manager without any compliance with Global Bank Laws, the AML, and security measures to determine the source of the funds when this was a new "RED FLAG" account. Stolen check was dated August 14, 2014. The thief formed this Nevada corp until 09/18/14 and it has not been reported to the DA's office for over 16 months in violation of Bank code of Ethics.
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Mr. J SilvaApr 09, 2016
As a share holder in BA and being as charitable as I can be at the moment I rate your telephone customer service process as PITIFUL to PATHETIC and that is unacceptable to me. The time to connect to a CSR is extreme especially with the frequent annoying "promotions" and I will be searching for an alternate card provider.
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Ms. Yvette Simone SmithMar 02, 2016
I started Banking Late because never entrusted Banking now somehow my account hacked into daily outside of my Eastern zone global taking me places I have never travel using various currencies like someone in Entertainment. Given me the lowest humiliate amount. Now somehow Bank of America removed all my money without notification nothing on a Fixed income once a Month from a STATE OF NEW JERSEY Department of Treasures Pension, from a Merit Board Dr. Decision placing some form of Disabilities Retiree not understand a IRA,, but somehow never protect to separate me from another Command name Smith. Used words like Hardships to make it sound like Hope, Opportunities, room for corrections or mediation yet, refused on every levels not able to live of what I earned my accomplishments control without notification whatsoever yet, no one ever was their to assist in my travelling yet earning but, somehow Bank of America removed all my money without warning no Certifications of mailings.
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Ms. karen barbara burrettFeb 24, 2016
Hi karen burrett here i am email to say Mr. Brian Moynihan(CEO) said i had fund siting here for and i have pay a lot of money to get this fund and he has not got back to me so i am not very happy i want the fund or my money back he send me all of the certificate and i pay money for them and i have no funds and his email is block is this a spam.
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Ms. Davida Rochelle KanterNov 23, 2015
The phone number listed is only to a law office. The woman who answered said she handles 100 different lines and could NOT help me without a specific name. I filed two claims for reversal of charges with B of A 1-800 Customer Service on 7/8/15. One of the companies is going bankrupt so there is an urgency in this matter. Just found out absolutely NOTHING WAS DONE whatsoever to reverse these charges or to file a claim. NO EXPLANATION was given. Previously to this date I had filed a claim for $300 with a SUPERVISOR of disputes. Since they TOTALLY LOST MY CLAIM NOTHING CAN BE DONE.
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Ms. June BaddourNov 10, 2015
Mr. Moynihan, I am trying to reach your office,, but constant rerouting, non-existing pick-up and computers just doesn't work for me I am in desperate need to speak with your office and to speak with you concerning my Bank of America loan. Details later to come, if I can get a hold of anybody I am just to old for this.
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