Bhorer Kagoj Address and Contact Number

Bhorer Kagoj Contact Phone Number is : 9360285, Fax: 9362734

and Address is Karnaphuli Media Point, 2nd Floor, 70 Shahid Sangbadik Selina Parveen Sarak,(New Circular Road, Malibagh) Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh
Bhorer Kagoj is a leading Bengali daily Newspaper founded by Naimul Islam Khan . The Newspaper is published daily from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Bhorer Kagoj means “Dawn’s Paper” and was founded in the year 1992. The Newspaper is owned by Mediascene Limited and publisher is Saber Hossain Chowdhury. Matiur Rahman, Benazir Ahmed, Abed Khan are the Successors of the editor, Naimul Islam Khan. Currently, Shyamal Dutta holds the position of an editor. Bhorer Kagoj is the voICE and reflects the common man in Bangladesh. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bhorer Kagoj is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bhorer Kagoj

The address of Bhorer Kagoj is Karnaphuli Media Point, 2nd Floor, 70 Shahid Sangbadik Selina Parveen Sarak,(New Circular Road, Malibagh) Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh.

Contact Number of Bhorer Kagoj

The contact number of Bhorer Kagoj is 9360285, Fax: 9362734.

Email Address of Bhorer Kagoj

The email address of Bhorer Kagoj is

Website of Bhorer Kagoj

The Website of Bhorer Kagoj is

Bhorer Kagoj Address Contact Number
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