Bharathidasan University Address and Contact Number

Bharathidasan University Contact Phone Number is : 9 - 431- 2407071, 2407072, 2407074, 2407272

and Address is Palkalaiperur, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Bharathidasan University is public institution located in Tamil Nadu, India. Bharathidasan University was established in 1982. The University offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The current appointed VICE-Chancellor of the University is K. Meena. The University offers different courses in arts, commerce, Engineering, social sciences, languages, medical and science fields. The University offers world class facilities for the Students. The knowledgeable Environment of University make the all around development of child. The University has got its affiliations from UGC (University Grant Commission) of New Delhi&sa=Search&ref='>Delhi. The address and contact number of Bharathidasan University is also used for Bharathidasan University phone number, Bharathidasan University exam Results, Bharathidasan University courses, Bharathidasan University contact details, Bharathidasan University address pin code and Bharathidasan University address. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bharathidasan University is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bharathidasan University

The address of Bharathidasan University is Palkalaiperur, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.

Contact Number of Bharathidasan University

The contact number of Bharathidasan University is 9 - 431- 2407071, 2407072, 2407074, 2407272.

Email Address of Bharathidasan University

The email address of Bharathidasan University is

Website of Bharathidasan University

The Website of Bharathidasan University is

Bharathidasan University Source of Knowledge
Bharathidasan University Address Contact Number
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