Benjamin Raich Address and Contact Number

Benjamin Raich Contact Phone Number is : +43 664 6210585

and Address is Oberleins 25. 6471 Arzl im Pitztal, Austria
Benjamin Raich (born 28 February 1978 in Arzl im Pitztal, Tyrol) is an Austrian former World Cup champion alpine ski racer and Olympic gold medalist. With 14 medals won at Winter Olympics and World Championships, 36 World Cup race victories (in all disciplines except downhill), one first place and five second places in the World Cup overall ranking, three victories of the slalom World Cup, three victories of the combined World Cup, two victories of the giant slalom World Cup and the highest score of career World Cup points (ahead of Norwegian Kjetil André Aamodt), he is considered among the best alpine racers in World Cup history. Raich was known for his consistency throughout his career. He placed second in the overall World Cup in 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. With 14 medals won at Winter Olympics and World Championships, 36 World Cup race victories (in all disciplines except downhill), one first place and five second places in the World Cup overall ranking. Today, he continues to give back to the sport through the Benni Raich Race Center where he helps provide resources to young, emerging athletes The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Benjamin Raich is mentioned in below section.

Address of Benjamin Raich

The address of Benjamin Raich is Oberleins 25. 6471 Arzl im Pitztal, Austria.

Contact Number of Benjamin Raich

The contact number of Benjamin Raich is +43 664 6210585.

Email Address of Benjamin Raich

The email address of Benjamin Raich is

Website of Benjamin Raich

The Website of Benjamin Raich is

Contact Person of Benjamin Raich

The contact person of Benjamin Raich is Benjamin Raich.

Benjamin Raich Source of Knowledge
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