Baligh Hamdi Address and Contact Number

Baligh Hamdi Contact Phone Number is : +20 8057564849

and Address is 65 Noubar St., Downtown Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.
Baligh Hamdi is an Egyptian composer who created and composed many hit songs for several Arab singers, especially during the 1960s and 1970s. He composed Warda's most famous songs, and the two got married for a long period. For the next two decades he is one of the most popular, successful, and productive composers in the Arab world. Baligh Hamdi frequently said that he drew upon musical ideas and aesthetics in Egyptian folk melodies and rhythms in composing his songs. Baligh Hamdi frequently said that he drew upon musical ideas and aesthetics in Egyptian folk melodies and rhythms in composing his songs. He also drew on ideas that were floating around in the contemporary music of his time. His sound has a classical flavor due to the heavy use of the string orchestra. Baligh Hamdi was one of the brains behind Egypt's music scene in the 1960s and 70s, alongside notable composers such as Mohamed Abdelwahab, Zakaria. During his artistic career, Baligh Hamdi collaborated with the greatest male and female singers in the Arab world, such as Umm Kulthum, Abdel. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Baligh Hamdi is mentioned in below section.

Address of Baligh Hamdi

The address of Baligh Hamdi is 65 Noubar St., Downtown Cairo, Cairo, Egypt..

Contact Number of Baligh Hamdi

The contact number of Baligh Hamdi is +20 8057564849.

Email Address of Baligh Hamdi

The email address of Baligh Hamdi is

Website of Baligh Hamdi

The Website of Baligh Hamdi is Not Known.

Contact Person of Baligh Hamdi

The contact person of Baligh Hamdi is Baligh Hamdi.

Baligh Hamdi Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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