Babak Jahanbakhsh Address and Contact Number
Babak Jahanbakhsh Contact Phone Number is : +49 234 8535595
and Address is Ruhr-Universität Bochum 44780 Bochum Germany.Babak Jahanbakhsh is an Iranian pop singer. A skilled musician, Babak Jahanbakhsh is responsible for some of the most well-known Pop and Arabic Pop tunes. His best songs are "Ey Vaaay", "Mano Negah Kon", "To Ke Hassasi", "Zendegi Edame Dare", "Toro Doost Daram", "Az Khoshi Mimiram", "To Ro Doost Daram", "Sheydaei", "Zibaye Bitab" and "Paryzad". Babak Jahanbakhsh is well recognized in the music industry for his partnerships with many performers. The songs "To Ke Hassasi" by Reza Sadeghi, "Mano Baroon" by Reza Sadeghi as well, and "Yalda 1400" by Siamak Abbasi are among his most significant collaborations. After finishing his father's education and returning to Iran, he became more interested in music and pursued Oriental music more seriously.Overall, Babak Jahanbakhsh's appearances at several events and festivals have established his status as a leading figure in pop and Arabic pop music. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Babak Jahanbakhsh is mentioned in below section.
Address of Babak Jahanbakhsh
The address of Babak Jahanbakhsh is Ruhr-Universität Bochum 44780 Bochum Germany..Contact Number of Babak Jahanbakhsh
The contact number of Babak Jahanbakhsh is +49 234 8535595.Email Address of Babak Jahanbakhsh
The email address of Babak Jahanbakhsh is of Babak Jahanbakhsh
The Website of Babak Jahanbakhsh is Not known.Contact Person of Babak Jahanbakhsh
The contact person of Babak Jahanbakhsh is Babak Jahanbakhsh.Email this information
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