Australian Football League Address and Contact Number

Australian Football League Contact Phone Number is : +61(2)80204000

and Address is Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
The Australian Football League (AFL) is a Football tournament which is played every year in Australia. The AFL is also serving as the governing body of sport in Australia. The league was started in the year 1897. Total of 18 teams do battle for championship title every year. The current commissioner of Australian league is Andrew Demetriou. The team who won most of title is Carlton and Essendon in which their spot is tie at 16 premierships win. The last team who won title is 5 times premiership winner Sydney Swans. The address and contact number of Australian Football League is also used for Australian Football rules, Australian Football live, Australian Football League Results, Australian Football League table, Australian Football League standings and Australian Football League teams. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Australian Football League is mentioned in below section.

Address of Australian Football League

The address of Australian Football League is Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.

Contact Number of Australian Football League

The contact number of Australian Football League is +61(2)80204000.

Email Address of Australian Football League

The email address of Australian Football League is

Website of Australian Football League

The Website of Australian Football League is

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Australian Football League Address Contact Number
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