Asda Trafford Park Address and Contact Number

Asda Trafford Park Contact Phone Number is : +44 161 748 5841

and Address is Barton Dock Road, Urmston, Manchester, Lancashire M41 7ZA, United Kingdom
ASDA Trafford park is a shopping centre which is located in Manchester, Lancashire M41 7ZA, United Kingdom. It is a private Company. ASDA headquarter is located in Asda House, Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. It has provides various products such as Grocery, General merchandise, Financial Services. It has 280 stores in over Country.
It has more than 175,000 employees. ASDA is one of the largest shopping centre in united States. It also offer entertainment products such as Consoles, Gaming, Pre Order games, Music, Books, DVDs, Pre-order DVDs and Blu-ray etc. The address and contact number of Asda Trafford park is also used for Asda Trafford park email address, Asda Trafford park pharmacy opening times, Asda Trafford park key cutting, Asda Trafford park customer Services, Asda Trafford park George, Asda Trafford park Mcdonalds, Asda Trafford park opticians and Asda Trafford park petrol prICEs. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Asda Trafford Park is mentioned in below section.

Address of Asda Trafford Park

The address of Asda Trafford Park is Barton Dock Road, Urmston, Manchester, Lancashire M41 7ZA, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Asda Trafford Park

The contact number of Asda Trafford Park is +44 161 748 5841.

Email Address of Asda Trafford Park

The email address of Asda Trafford Park is .

Website of Asda Trafford Park

The Website of Asda Trafford Park is

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Asda Trafford Park Address Contact Number
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Asda Trafford Park User Reports

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Ms. Ruth WainMar 20, 2020
Today I went to Adsa as I usually do on a Friday morning at 6. 00am. I do not like shopping when there are loads of people around. Today at 6. 00am was for pensions etc., , but it was full of everyone. There was no way you could keep your distance from anyone. The car park was full, but it wasn't pensioners. There were a few more pensioners there than usual, but most of the people were people that didn't give a dam about anyone else. Surely there could be a way of just letting vulnerable people and pensioners shop. Showing their bus passes or something might help. It is only for an hour. Pensioner who likes a quiet shop. Regards
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