Archdiocese of Madrid Address and Contact Number

Archdiocese of Madrid Contact Phone Number is : 91.454.61.00, Fax: 91.542.79.06

and Address is Spain, Madrid
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Madrid was found in 1885.It is located in Spain near the Madrid province. The total area covered 3.663 Km square and the population counted 3746000 as per 2004 census. The Catholics population is approximately 3359000; about 89.7 percent population is under Catholics.

The first Bishops of Madrid is Narciso Martinez lzquierdo and the current Bishops is Antonio rouco Varela. Madrid is one of the five provinces into which New Castile is divided. In the Madrid town, there are 67 houses of the spiritual women. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Archdiocese of Madrid is mentioned in below section.

Address of Archdiocese of Madrid

The address of Archdiocese of Madrid is Spain, Madrid.

Contact Number of Archdiocese of Madrid

The contact number of Archdiocese of Madrid is 91.454.61.00, Fax: 91.542.79.06.

Email Address of Archdiocese of Madrid

The email address of Archdiocese of Madrid is .

Website of Archdiocese of Madrid

The Website of Archdiocese of Madrid is .

Archdiocese of Madrid Address Contact Number
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Ms. Daniel MulugetaJun 17, 2022
Jun 17/2022 Dear Sir/Madam Greetings Peace and Joy in Our Lord Jesus Christ My name is Daniel Mulugeta. I am working in the media department of Ethiopian Catholic Church in Addis Ababa Diocesan. I had previously undergone a month- long training in camera editing in passaw city Germany. But the training was so short, it made me want want to know more. I respectfully request that you provide me with an opportunity for education or traning in the better understand my curiosity and learning. I am very eager and hopeful to hearing from you. Thank you so much Daniel Mulugeta
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