Anandalok Hospital Address and Contact Number

Anandalok Hospital Contact Phone Number is : 033 23592931

and Address is 7-3 DK Block, Sector-2, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700091, India
Anandalok Hospital is non-profit multi-specialty Hospital.Anandalok Hospital provide 24 hours Ambulance servICE. The Hospital is well known for its efficient treatment at affordable cost. It is dedicated towards the servICE of the patients. It is located in Salt Lake City. The Hospital provides low cost cardiology Services to the patients and 24 hours Ambulance Services. The address and contact number of Anandalok Hospital is also used for Anandalok Hospital Karunamoyee official Website, Anandalok Hospital doctor list, Anandalok Hospital Saltlake, Anandalok Hospital Raniganj, Anandalok Hospital Karunamoyee contact number, Anandalok Hospital Raniganj Burdwan, Anandalok Hospital Bidhan Nagar and Anandalok magazine. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Anandalok Hospital is mentioned in below section.

Address of Anandalok Hospital

The address of Anandalok Hospital is 7-3 DK Block, Sector-2, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700091, India.

Contact Number of Anandalok Hospital

The contact number of Anandalok Hospital is 033 23592931.

Email Address of Anandalok Hospital

The email address of Anandalok Hospital is

Website of Anandalok Hospital

The Website of Anandalok Hospital is

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Anandalok Hospital Address Contact Number
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Ms. Nandita RoyDec 02, 2014
No emergency. Return patient at midnight.
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Mr. GAUTAM KUMAR RAY.May 23, 2013
I know that Anandalok Hospital is the best for poor and low cost of the high efficient doctors treatment .I like the hospital most.
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