Altnagelvin Hospital Address and Contact Number

Altnagelvin Hospital Contact Phone Number is : 028 7134 5171

and Address is MDEC Building, Glenshane Road, Londonderry, United Kingdom
founded in 1960, Altnagelvin Area Hospital is a general Hospital that consists a outpatients department, medical imaging, theatres, surgical wards, maternity ward and physiotherapy department. The Hospital offers Excellence healthcare Services and also provides training for medical Students. The haspital has 500 beds and emergency department. It is located at Glenshane Road, Londonderry, United Kingdom. It is affiliated to queen's University of Belfast National University of Ireland, Galway and University of ulster. The address and contact number of Altnagelvin Hospital is also used for Altnagelvin Hospital maternity, Altnagelvin Hospital appointments number, Altnagelvin Hospital map, Altnagelvin Hospital out of hours, Altnagelvin Hospital volunteering, Altnagelvin Hospital jobs and Altnagelvin Hospital gum clinic. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Altnagelvin Hospital is mentioned in below section.

Address of Altnagelvin Hospital

The address of Altnagelvin Hospital is MDEC Building, Glenshane Road, Londonderry, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Altnagelvin Hospital

The contact number of Altnagelvin Hospital is 028 7134 5171.

Email Address of Altnagelvin Hospital

The email address of Altnagelvin Hospital is .

Website of Altnagelvin Hospital

The Website of Altnagelvin Hospital is

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Altnagelvin Hospital Address Contact Number
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