Ahsan Manzil Address and Contact Number

Ahsan Manzil Contact Phone Number is : +880(2)282790

and Address is Ahsan Manzil Graveyard, Shantibagh-Shaplabagh Road, Sreemangal, Bangladesh
Ahsan Manzil was the official residential palace and seat of the Dhaka Nawab Family. This magnifICEnt building is situated at Kumartoli along the banks of the Buriganga River in Bangladesh. Ahsan Manzil was converted into Museum in 1992. The address and contact number of Ahsan Manzil is also used for Ahsan Manzil opening hours, Ahsan Manzil off day, Ahsan Manzil location, Ahsan Manzil banglapedia, Ahsan Manzil Google map, Ahsan Manzil close day, Ahsan Iqbal and Ahsan Malik. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ahsan Manzil is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ahsan Manzil

The address of Ahsan Manzil is Ahsan Manzil Graveyard, Shantibagh-Shaplabagh Road, Sreemangal, Bangladesh.

Contact Number of Ahsan Manzil

The contact number of Ahsan Manzil is +880(2)282790.

Email Address of Ahsan Manzil

The email address of Ahsan Manzil is .

Website of Ahsan Manzil

The Website of Ahsan Manzil is .

Ahsan Manzil Address Contact Number
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