Ahmed Adaweyah Address and Contact Number

Ahmed Adaweyah Contact Phone Number is : +201000842222

and Address is The Mena House. Pyramids Road, Giza, Cairo, Egypt.
Ahmed Adaweyah is a prominent Egyptian actor and singer of Egyptian Sha'abi music. He also starred in 27 Egyptian films. Arguably the most prominent Shaabi singers in the past five decades, Ahmed Adaweya rose to fame in the 1970s with groundbreaking songs followed by several comedy roles on the big screen. His classic songs include Zahma Ya Donya Zahma, Essah Eddah Embo, Ya Bent El-Sultan, Karakashangy and many others. Adaweya is recognized as a cultural icon in his native country for being a pioneer of Arabic folk music and for inspiring a new generation of musicians. His music, which has a strong Egyptian cultural foundation, captures the joys and challenges of daily living. Like many Sha'abi singers, Adaweyah was capable of delivering a strong mawal (vocal improvisation). Despite the disapproval of the music establishment and the exclusion of his songs from television or radio, they became popular as they spread on audiocassettes. Adawiyya recovered sufficiently to sing again, although he is partially paralyzed. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ahmed Adaweyah is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ahmed Adaweyah

The address of Ahmed Adaweyah is The Mena House. Pyramids Road, Giza, Cairo, Egypt..

Contact Number of Ahmed Adaweyah

The contact number of Ahmed Adaweyah is +201000842222.

Email Address of Ahmed Adaweyah

The email address of Ahmed Adaweyah is booking@mazzikatv.com.

Website of Ahmed Adaweyah

The Website of Ahmed Adaweyah is Not Known.

Contact Person of Ahmed Adaweyah

The contact person of Ahmed Adaweyah is Ahmed Adaweyah.

Ahmed Adaweyah Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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