Wolfgang Ambros Address and Contact Number
Wolfgang Ambros Contact Phone Number is : +43 46645009 90
and Address is 8453 ST. JOHANN IM SAGGAUTAL, Vienna, AustriaWolfgang Ambros is an Austrian liedermacher. He is one of the most important contemporary Austrian musicians and is considered to be one of the founders of Austropop. Austria's most famous singer had his breakthrough in 1971 with the single hit "Da Hofa". Further hits such as "Schifoan", "Zwickt's mi" and his Viennese German versions of Bob Dylan songs on the album "Wie im Schlaf" also made him very famous in Germany. One of his biggest concerts took place at the Wiener Weststadion. Another one on the Kitzsteinhorn was the highest place a rock concert ever took place. There were also cooperative efforts with the Viennese blues-musicians Harry Stampfer, Hans Thessink, Günter Dzikowski and DJ Kidpariz. AustroPop pioneer, Wolfgang Ambros became a folk-rock staple in his homeland both for his original tunes and his covers. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Wolfgang Ambros is mentioned in below section.
Address of Wolfgang Ambros
The address of Wolfgang Ambros is 8453 ST. JOHANN IM SAGGAUTAL, Vienna, Austria.Contact Number of Wolfgang Ambros
The contact number of Wolfgang Ambros is +43 46645009 90.Email Address of Wolfgang Ambros
The email address of Wolfgang Ambros is contact@wolfgangambros.at.Website of Wolfgang Ambros
The Website of Wolfgang Ambros is www.wolfgangambros.at.Contact Person of Wolfgang Ambros
The contact person of Wolfgang Ambros is Wolfgang Ambros.Email this information
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