Western Michigan University Dorms Address and Contact Number

Western Michigan University Dorms Contact Phone Number is : +1 269-387-4735

and Address is 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States ?
Western Michigan University Dorms is a residence halls which is situated in Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States. The home corridors are the perfect Environment for beginning Students. It offer various rooms such as Double room, Guaranteed Single and Super Single. The Rooms are attached with ResNet, the high-speed residential computing network. Western Michigan University was established in the year 1903. The University offers Undergraduates Programs and Postgraduates Programs. The address and contact number of Western Michigan University Dorms is also used for Western Michigan reviews, nearest airport Western Michigan University, spindler hall Wmu, davis hall Wmu, bigelow hall Wmu, french hall Wmu and Western Michigan housing application. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Western Michigan University Dorms is mentioned in below section.

Address of Western Michigan University Dorms

The address of Western Michigan University Dorms is 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States ?.

Contact Number of Western Michigan University Dorms

The contact number of Western Michigan University Dorms is +1 269-387-4735.

Email Address of Western Michigan University Dorms

The email address of Western Michigan University Dorms is .

Website of Western Michigan University Dorms

The Website of Western Michigan University Dorms is www.wmich.edu.

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Western Michigan University Dorms Address Contact Number
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