Sarah Farah Address and Contact Number

Sarah Farah Contact Phone Number is : +44 9613325702

and Address is 2 Briarfield Road, Ellesmere Port, United Kingdom, CH65 8BE
Syrian singer Sarah Farah is a well-known Arabic pop performer who has created a number of hit songs throughout the course of her career. Her most well-known songs include "Ya Khsara," "Khentak," "Aachra Aala Aachra," and "Ayoub." Both the original and the remix versions of "Ya Khsara" have become incredibly popular. Some of her top songs include "Ya Khsara (Remix)", "Ya Ein (Hijazi Remix)", "Ghayeb", "Aachra Aala Aachra", "Ya Khsara", "Ayoub", "Khentak", "Fedwa", and "Dabet El-Sham'aa" Farah was a contestant on the eighth season of the talent show Star Academy in 2011, where she reached the finals and placed third. She made her acting debut in the series The Lovers Lanterns. Sarah's distinctive singing technique combines modern Pop sensibilities with ancient Arabic music to produce a sound that is both recognizable and original. Sarah has enthralled audiences all over the world with her captivating stage presence and strong voice, garnering both critical acclaim and a devoted following. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Sarah Farah is mentioned in below section.

Address of Sarah Farah

The address of Sarah Farah is 2 Briarfield Road, Ellesmere Port, United Kingdom, CH65 8BE.

Contact Number of Sarah Farah

The contact number of Sarah Farah is +44 9613325702.

Email Address of Sarah Farah

The email address of Sarah Farah is

Website of Sarah Farah

The Website of Sarah Farah is

Contact Person of Sarah Farah

The contact person of Sarah Farah is Sarah Farah.

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