Ryde Hospital Address and Contact Number

Ryde Hospital Contact Phone Number is : +61 2 9874 0199

and Address is 9 Denistone Rd, Eastwood, New South Wales, Australia
Ryde Hospital is a community Hospital located in New South Wales city of Australia. The Hospital was established in 1934. This Hospital is a part of North Shore Ryde health ServICE System of Australia. It is a multi specialist Hospital provides medical Services in orthopaedics, elective surgery, maternity, cardiac and intensive care. Hospital also provides ambulance servICE for emergency Cases. The address and contact number of Ryde Hospital is also used for Ryde Hospital physiotherapy, Ryde Hospital pharmacy, Ryde Hospital rehabilitation center, Ryde Hospital jobs and Ryde Hospital Radiology.
Other contacts :-
Postal address: Denistone Road, EASTWOOD NSW 2122
Telephone : (02) 9858 7888

Visiting Hours of this Hospital are : 11am-1pm and 3pm-8pm (All Wards) The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ryde Hospital is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ryde Hospital

The address of Ryde Hospital is 9 Denistone Rd, Eastwood, New South Wales, Australia.

Contact Number of Ryde Hospital

The contact number of Ryde Hospital is +61 2 9874 0199.

Email Address of Ryde Hospital

The email address of Ryde Hospital is .

Website of Ryde Hospital

The Website of Ryde Hospital is .

Ryde Hospital Address Contact Number
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