Russell Grant Address and Contact Number

Russell Grant Contact Phone Number is : +44 906 539 1470

and Address is 3 Crewe Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, England, CW11 4NE, United Kingdom
Russell John Dammerall Grant is a British astrologer and media personality. He has written several books on astrology, provides syndicated newspaper horoscopes and operates premium rate astrology phone lines. In March 2010, he began offering a "Pet Psychic" service. He is known for his colorful and concise astrological predictions. Grant was raised in a council house in the 1950s, his father working as a sales rep for a car accessory business. Later, his parents worked at Pinewood Studios: his mother Jo dealt with contracts, and his father was a set designer. Grant spent most of his childhood in the care of his grandparents. He is best known for his appearances on breakfast television joining BBC's Breakfast Time to present the Your Stars section from 1983 to 1986. In 1986 he joined TV-am as resident astrologer appearing on Good Morning Britain and After Nine until 1990. He still continues to provide horoscopes, and he also raises money for Alzheimer's charities. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Russell Grant is mentioned in below section.

Address of Russell Grant

The address of Russell Grant is 3 Crewe Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, England, CW11 4NE, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Russell Grant

The contact number of Russell Grant is +44 906 539 1470.

Email Address of Russell Grant

The email address of Russell Grant is

Website of Russell Grant

The Website of Russell Grant is

Contact Person of Russell Grant

The contact person of Russell Grant is Russell Grant.

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