Nadia Comaneci Address and Contact Number

Nadia Comaneci Contact Phone Number is : +1 4094603070 or +1 (405) 447-9988

and Address is 3214 Bart Conner Dr. Norman, OK 73072. USA
Nadia Elena Comaneci Conner is a Romanian retired gymnast. She is a five-time Olympic gold medalist, all in individual events. In 1976, at the age of 14, Comaneci was the first gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10.0 at the Olympic Games. She is known for her exceptional skills, balance, and clean technique. She was also innovative and had a cool demeanor in competition. She is a five-time Olympic gold medalist, all in individual events. In 1976, at the age of 14, Comaneci was the first gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10.0 at the Olympic Games. According to YouGov, Comaneci is the 361st most popular sports personality of all time. Comaneci's innovative routines, technical precision, and artistic elegance set new standards in gymnastics. She inspired a new generation of gymnasts and helped make gymnastics more popular globally. After devoting a substantial portion of her life as a gymnast, Comaneci took her final bow from the gymnastics arena in 1984. The retired gymnast now serves as the honorary president of the Romanian Gymnastics Federation and the Romanian Olympic Committee. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Nadia Comaneci is mentioned in below section.

Address of Nadia Comaneci

The address of Nadia Comaneci is 3214 Bart Conner Dr. Norman, OK 73072. USA.

Contact Number of Nadia Comaneci

The contact number of Nadia Comaneci is +1 4094603070 or +1 (405) 447-9988.

Email Address of Nadia Comaneci

The email address of Nadia Comaneci is

Website of Nadia Comaneci

The Website of Nadia Comaneci is Not Known.

Contact Person of Nadia Comaneci

The contact person of Nadia Comaneci is Nadia Comaneci.

Nadia Comaneci Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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