Monks Cafe Seinfeld Address and Contact Number
Monks Cafe Seinfeld Contact Phone Number is : (518) 234-2143
and Address is West 112th Street and Broadway, near Columbia University, Seinfeld, USMonks Cafe is the fictional cafe used in the NBC sitcom Seinfeld. The exterior of Tom's Restaurant served as the outside of Monks Cafe. The address and contact number of Monks Cafe Seinfeld is also used for Monks Cafe tap list, Monks Cafe twitter, Monks Cafe sour ale and Monks Cafes happy hour. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Monks Cafe Seinfeld is mentioned in below section.
Address of Monks Cafe Seinfeld
The address of Monks Cafe Seinfeld is West 112th Street and Broadway, near Columbia University, Seinfeld, US.Contact Number of Monks Cafe Seinfeld
The contact number of Monks Cafe Seinfeld is (518) 234-2143.Email Address of Monks Cafe Seinfeld
The email address of Monks Cafe Seinfeld is .Website of Monks Cafe Seinfeld
The Website of Monks Cafe Seinfeld is .Email this information
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