Lou Address and Contact Number

Lou Contact Phone Number is : +49 0203 793 4042

and Address is 10660 Old Saint Augustine Rd, Apt 103, Jacksonville, FL
Louise Hoffner, known professionally as Lou, is a German pop singer. She toured with her band for 15 years, in Germany as well as abroad. Lou is a popular French pop musician from Castres who has established himself in the genre. Lou's music has won over fans in France and all around the world with his contagious energy and appealing tunes. In 1947, he was named to the New York Times Honor Roll for Radio, and the Radio and Television Critics Circle. He also earned the Billboard and Variety Awards for contribution to radio. During the 1940s, he also worked as staff arranger for Lou Levy (Leeds Music).19 Feb 2018. A pop, Latin hip hop, Latin pop, mambo, and ska singer whose real name is David Lubega Balemezi. Born Lou Jean in 2004, she began taking singing and theater classes at age eight. She appeared on the third season of The Voice Kids in 2016 and also sang the theme song for the soap opera Demain nous appartient. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lou is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lou

The address of Lou is 10660 Old Saint Augustine Rd, Apt 103, Jacksonville, FL.

Contact Number of Lou

The contact number of Lou is +49 0203 793 4042.

Email Address of Lou

The email address of Lou is Mel@flashmgmt.com.

Website of Lou

The Website of Lou is www.flashmgmt.com.

Contact Person of Lou

The contact person of Lou is Louise Hoffner.

Lou Source of Knowledge

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