Kim Yeon koung Address and Contact Number

Kim Yeon koung Contact Phone Number is : +82 4213 453 535

and Address is 48-6 Sangamsan-roMapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Kim Yeon-koung is a South Korean professional volleyball player and a former member of the FIVB Athletes' Commission. She is an outside hitter and the former captain of the South Korean National Team. She announced her retirement from the national team in August 2021. Kim started her career at the Pink Spiders in 2005 and went on to play in Japan, Turkey and China. She rejoined the Incheon side in 2020, before returning to Shanghai Bright Ubest Women's Volleyball Club the following year. She signed with the Pink Spiders again in 2022 and has played for the club since. Kim is considered one of the top players of her generation in international volleyball. She was the top scorer and MVP at the 2012 London Olympics, and helped South Korea reach the semifinals at the 2012 and 2020 Olympics. Kim played for the Korean national team from 2005 to 2021. She also played for top teams in China, Japan, Türkiye, and Korea. She retired from the national team in 2021, but returned to coach the team during the 2023 season. She is continuing her club volleyball career and is also an advisor for the Korean women's national volleyball team. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kim Yeon koung is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kim Yeon-koung

The address of Kim Yeon-koung is 48-6 Sangamsan-roMapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea.

Contact Number of Kim Yeon-koung

The contact number of Kim Yeon-koung is +82 4213 453 535.

Email Address of Kim Yeon-koung

The email address of Kim Yeon-koung is

Website of Kim Yeon-koung

The Website of Kim Yeon-koung is

Contact Person of Kim Yeon-koung

The contact person of Kim Yeon-koung is Kim Yeon-koung.

Kim Yeon koung Source of Knowledge
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