Kabel Deutschland Address and Contact Number

Kabel Deutschland Contact Phone Number is : +49 89 960 10-187, Fax : +49 89 960 10-888

and Address is Betastraße 6-8, 85774 Unterfoehring
The Kable Deutschland is a telecommunications industry in Germany. It provides Cable ServICE, Broadband Internet, Telephony via Tv Cable and mobile offers in thirteen of sixteen States of Germany. It was established in year 2003 and is the largest cable television operator in Germany. Six regional offICEs are maintained by Kabel Deutschland that supports the local customers from the housing industry. It is headquartered in Unterfoehring and the operational Business of the group is its responsibility. The Kabel Deutschland in Germany provides employment to more than 3,700 employees. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kabel Deutschland is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kabel Deutschland

The address of Kabel Deutschland is Betastraße 6-8, 85774 Unterfoehring.

Contact Number of Kabel Deutschland

The contact number of Kabel Deutschland is +49 89 960 10-187, Fax : +49 89 960 10-888.

Email Address of Kabel Deutschland

The email address of Kabel Deutschland is elmar.baur@kabeldeutschland.de.

Website of Kabel Deutschland

The Website of Kabel Deutschland is www.kabeldeutschland.com.

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Kabel Deutschland Address Contact Number
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