Joshua Bassett Address and Contact Number

Joshua Bassett Contact Phone Number is : +1 323 417 4670

and Address is 2115 Grandview St in Oceanside, CA, USA.
Joshua Taylor Bassett is an American actor and singer. He began his career as a teen actor, appearing on the Disney Channel family sitcom Stuck in the Middle. Starting at the age of seven, Joshua has performed in over thirty musical theatre productions, and acted in numerous commercials/ short films.after signing with Warner Bros. Records, He released his debut single, "Common Sense", on music platforms on April 3, 2020. The most popular song by Joshua Bassett is “Lie Lie Lie” with a total of 337.2K page views. His music career took a major leap forward with the release of his self-titled debut EP in March 2021. Joshua Bassett is an ENFJ, Capricorn, and Enneagram Type 7w6. Debate the personality types of your favorite fictional characters and celebrities. "I think it's really important to be kind and genuine to everybody you meet. In June 2023, Bassett started an initiative called "Sammy Sundays". He, along with friends and family, have worked to create care packages with hygiene and menstrual products, food, clothes, and other essential goods to give to the homeless community in Los Angeles. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Joshua Bassett is mentioned in below section.

Address of Joshua Bassett

The address of Joshua Bassett is 2115 Grandview St in Oceanside, CA, USA..

Contact Number of Joshua Bassett

The contact number of Joshua Bassett is +1 323 417 4670.

Email Address of Joshua Bassett

The email address of Joshua Bassett is

Website of Joshua Bassett

The Website of Joshua Bassett is

Contact Person of Joshua Bassett

The contact person of Joshua Bassett is Joshua Bassett.

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