Jacksonville Address and Contact Number

Jacksonville Contact Phone Number is :

and Address is Post office Box 1949, jacksonville, Florida 32231 United States
The city of Jacksonville is the largest city in State of Florida, US. This is the largest city by population and by area of the city. The Jacksonville city was founded in 1791 and Incorporated in 1832. The total area of the city is 874.6 Square meters in which the 747 square meters area is land and 127.6 square meters area is of water. The total population of the city is 836507 lived on Density of 1100.1 square meters. The Government body of the city is Jacksonville City Council and Government type is Strong Mayor Council. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Jacksonville is mentioned in below section.

Address of Jacksonville

The address of Jacksonville is Post office Box 1949, jacksonville, Florida 32231 United States.

Contact Number of Jacksonville

The contact number of Jacksonville is .

Email Address of Jacksonville

The email address of Jacksonville is letters@jacksonville.com.

Website of Jacksonville

The Website of Jacksonville is .

Jacksonville Address Contact Number
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