Icici Bank Surat Address and Contact Number

Icici Bank Surat Contact Phone Number is : 9898272424

and Address is Riddhi Plaza, Hazira, Begumpura, Surat, Gujarat, India
ICICI bank, Surat is a subsidiary unit of the ICICI bank, an Indian bank and second largest bank in India. The bank was established in 1954 that provides wide range of banking Services and Financial Services like Credit Cards, finance and Insurance, corporate banking, consumer banking, investment banking and mortgage loans. The bank was founded in 1954 having headquarter is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The bank has spread in all over world with 2,883 braches and 10,021 ATMs. One of the branches of ICICI bank is situated in Hazira, Begumpura, Surat, Gujarat, India. Ms.Chanda Kochhar is the current chief executive offICEr of ICICI bank. The address and contact number of ICICI Bank Surat is also used for ICICI Bank Surat piplod branch, ICICI Bank Surat Swift code, ICICI Bank Surat Citylight branch, ICICI Bank Surat ring road branch ifsc code, ICICI Bank Surat Nanpura branch, ICICI Bank Surat Athwa lines ifsc code, ICICI Bank Surat Parle point branch and ICICI Bank Surat Sahara Darwaja branch. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Icici Bank Surat is mentioned in below section.

Address of Icici Bank Surat

The address of Icici Bank Surat is Riddhi Plaza, Hazira, Begumpura, Surat, Gujarat, India.

Contact Number of Icici Bank Surat

The contact number of Icici Bank Surat is 9898272424.

Email Address of Icici Bank Surat

The email address of Icici Bank Surat is .

Website of Icici Bank Surat

The Website of Icici Bank Surat is www.icicibank.com.

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Icici Bank Surat Address Contact Number
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