Hassan Sardar Address and Contact Number

Hassan Sardar Contact Phone Number is : +92 3220100000

and Address is House No B-247, Korangi No 6, Karachi, Pakistan
Hassan Sardar is a former field hockey player and team captain from Pakistan, who won the gold medal with the Men's National Hockey Team at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, California. A Karachi native, Sardar studied in Habib Public High School and graduated from Aitchison College Lahore. He was instrumental in leading Pakistan to a gold medal at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. He later managed the Pakistani Hockey Team. He has also been the Chief Selector of Pakistan hockey team. Hassan Sardar is ranked among the 'Top 10 greatest field hockey players'. Sardar won a gold medal at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics and the 1982 Mumbai World Cup, where he was named the tournament's man of the year. He also scored a hat-trick in the 1982 Asian Games final against India. He is now a sports and movie blogger for The Express Tribune. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Hassan Sardar is mentioned in below section.

Address of Hassan Sardar

The address of Hassan Sardar is House No B-247, Korangi No 6, Karachi, Pakistan.

Contact Number of Hassan Sardar

The contact number of Hassan Sardar is +92 3220100000.

Email Address of Hassan Sardar

The email address of Hassan Sardar is hassansardar@gmail.com.

Website of Hassan Sardar

The Website of Hassan Sardar is www.fih.hockey.

Contact Person of Hassan Sardar

The contact person of Hassan Sardar is Hassan Sardar.

Hassan Sardar Source of Knowledge

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