Festival Flea Market Address and Contact Number

Festival Flea Market Contact Phone Number is : +19549794555

and Address is 2900 West Sample Road, Pompano Beach, Florida 33073, United States
Festival Flea Market Mall is an indoor mall of Florida located in Pompano Beach just fifteen minutes away from Fort Lauderdale. Initially it was a Pompano outlet mall and now it has converted into a private Company in the year 1991. Over fifty to ninety nine employees have employed by this Company and have more than eight hundred stores. Festival Flea Market Mall has attracted visitors across world. It is a home of four lakh square feet building like kiosks and booths of electronics, shoes, clothes, designer jewelry etc. Festival Flea Market Mall has more than five hundred retail stores, boutiques, specialty store, large stores, pushcarts, restaurants, kiosks and many more. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Festival Flea Market is mentioned in below section.

Address of Festival Flea Market

The address of Festival Flea Market is 2900 West Sample Road, Pompano Beach, Florida 33073, United States.

Contact Number of Festival Flea Market

The contact number of Festival Flea Market is +19549794555.

Email Address of Festival Flea Market

The email address of Festival Flea Market is .

Website of Festival Flea Market

The Website of Festival Flea Market is .

Festival Flea Market Source of Knowledge

Festival Flea Market Address Contact Number
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