Edgar Allan Poe Cottage Address and Contact Number

Edgar Allan Poe Cottage Contact Phone Number is : +1 718-881-8900

and Address is 2640 Grand Concourse, New York, NY 10458, United States
The Edgar Allan Poe Cottage is situated in Kingsbridge Road and the Grand Concourse in the The Bronx, New York. It is a home of an American writer Edgar Allan Poe. It was established in 1819. This cottege is a part of Historic House Trust. The Poe Family which involved Edgar, his spouse Virginia Clemm, and her mom Maria moved in around May 1846, after residing for a few monthsTurtle Bay, Manhattan.
One of Poe's friend later wrote: "The cottage had an air of taste and gentility. So neat, so poor, so unfurnished, and yet so charming a dwelling I never saw." In the delayed 90's, the bungalow was under the care of a graduate Student Student in philology who resided in the basement. The address and contact number of Edgar Allan Poe Cottage is also used for Edgar Allan Poe Museum, Edgar Allan Poe National historic site, Edgar Allan Poe house haunted, Edgar Allan Poe house of usher quotesEdgar Allan Poe house neighborhood.

Other info :
Poe Cottage Hours:
Saturdays 10AM-4PM / Sundays 1PM-5PM

$5 per adult, $3 for Students, Children and seniors. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Edgar Allan Poe Cottage is mentioned in below section.

Address of Edgar Allan Poe Cottage

The address of Edgar Allan Poe Cottage is 2640 Grand Concourse, New York, NY 10458, United States.

Contact Number of Edgar Allan Poe Cottage

The contact number of Edgar Allan Poe Cottage is +1 718-881-8900.

Email Address of Edgar Allan Poe Cottage

The email address of Edgar Allan Poe Cottage is .

Website of Edgar Allan Poe Cottage

The Website of Edgar Allan Poe Cottage is .

Edgar Allan Poe Cottage Address Contact Number
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