Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong Address and Contact Number
Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong Contact Phone Number is : +1-844-696-5235
and Address is 9920 Jefferson Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232Dr.Shiong is known as the best doctor in the world and also one of the richest doctors in the world. He is a South African-American transplant surgeon, billionaire businessman, bioscientist, and media owner. Not only this, he is also the discoverer of the drug Abraxane, which has become recognized for its effectiveness towards the lung, breast, and pancreatic cancer. He graduated from the University of Witwatersrand at the age of 23, later he studied masters from the University of British Columbia, later he moved to the United States and did his surgical training from there. He started his career as a transplant surgeon in 1991.Soon-Shiong's career, he has pioneered therapies for diabetes and cancer, published over 100 scientific papers, and has been granted over 675 patents worldwide for groundbreaking advancements spanning myriad fields of medicine, technology, and artificial intelligence. Dr.Soon Shiong is a co-owner of the Los Angeles Lakers and, we understand, enjoys boogie boarding. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong is mentioned in below section.
Address of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong
The address of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong is 9920 Jefferson Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232.Contact Number of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong
The contact number of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong is +1-844-696-5235.Email Address of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong
The email address of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong is pss@nantworks.com.Website of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong
The Website of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong is www.doodla.org.Contact Person of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong
The contact person of Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong is Dr. Patrick Soon Shiong.Email this information
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