Dickinson State University Address and Contact Number

Dickinson State University Contact Phone Number is : +1 (701) 483-2507

and Address is 291 Campus Drive, Dickinson, North Dakota 58601, United States
Dickinson State University is a public University located in North Dakota, United States. It was founded as Dickinson State College in the year 1918. It follows North Dakota University System. It offers four-year degrees in more than 75 disciplines through 10 academic departments. DC Coston is the present president of the University. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dickinson State University is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dickinson State University

The address of Dickinson State University is 291 Campus Drive, Dickinson, North Dakota 58601, United States.

Contact Number of Dickinson State University

The contact number of Dickinson State University is +1 (701) 483-2507.

Email Address of Dickinson State University

The email address of Dickinson State University is dsu.hawk@dickinsonstate.edu.

Website of Dickinson State University

The Website of Dickinson State University is www.dickinsonstate.edu.

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Dickinson State University Address Contact Number
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