Dani Black Address and Contact Number

Dani Black Contact Phone Number is : +55 813-997 5237

and Address is Avenida Governador Mário Covas Júnior 5159 Balneario Tres Marias, Peruibe, State of Sao Paulo 11750-000 Brazil
Dani Black is a Canadian singer-songwriter from Coquitlam, BC, with many achievements. Dani Black is described as a singer, songwriter, and storyteller. The 20-year-old Canadian songstress is credited as being a prolific songwriter and also with writing 200 songs just this year. In January 2021, Black's 20-second rendition of “Wellerman” went viral on TikTok, gaining over a million views. Black's music is described as folk pop. She's known for her heartfelt performances and evocative lyrics. Black sang the national anthem at a Vancouver Canucks hockey game. In March 2022, Black performed twice with Hawaiian music legend Wilmont Kahaialii. Black's debut single, "Pretty Boy", showcases her songwriting and vocal skills. Black was nominated for Best MPB (Musica Popular Brasileira) Album at the 17th Annual Latin GRAMMY Awards. Black has worked on the soundtrack for A Life Worth Living. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Dani Black is mentioned in below section.

Address of Dani Black

The address of Dani Black is Avenida Governador Mário Covas Júnior 5159 Balneario Tres Marias, Peruibe, State of Sao Paulo 11750-000 Brazil.

Contact Number of Dani Black

The contact number of Dani Black is +55 813-997 5237.

Email Address of Dani Black

The email address of Dani Black is info@daniblack.com.

Website of Dani Black

The Website of Dani Black is daniblack.com.

Contact Person of Dani Black

The contact person of Dani Black is vanhattan-ent.

Dani Black Source of Knowledge

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