Ccma Johannesburg Address and Contact Number

Ccma Johannesburg Contact Phone Number is : (011) 377-6650/6600

and Address is CCMA National Office, 28 Harrison Street, Johannesburg 2001, South Africa
CCMA stands for Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration. It is an organization which was set up for the welfare of labors in South Africa. CCMA performs various functions in order to enhance opportunities of work. Some of the operations include workplace restructuring, consultation, termination, training, and very important brawl settlement. For further contact with CCMA in Johannesburg fax number of organization is given as (011) 834-7351.
The address and contact number of Ccma Johannesburgis also used for Ccma Johannesburg map, Ccma Johannesburg vacancies, Ccma limpopo. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ccma Johannesburg is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ccma Johannesburg

The address of Ccma Johannesburg is CCMA National Office, 28 Harrison Street, Johannesburg 2001, South Africa.

Contact Number of Ccma Johannesburg

The contact number of Ccma Johannesburg is (011) 377-6650/6600.

Email Address of Ccma Johannesburg

The email address of Ccma Johannesburg is

Website of Ccma Johannesburg

The Website of Ccma Johannesburg is

Ccma Johannesburg Source of Knowledge
Ccma Johannesburg Address Contact Number
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