Carlingford High School Address and Contact Number

Carlingford High School Contact Phone Number is : +61 2 9871 4222

and Address is North Rocks Road, Carlingford NSW 2118, Australia
Carlingford High School is a high School located near North Rocks Road, Carlingford, New South Wales. It is Government School and was founded in 1968. The School has the strength of over 1200 Students. The School imparts vocational Education at senior level in Business Services, Construction, Entertainment, Hospitality, Information Technology, and Metal and Engineering. The extra curricular activities includes Performing arts, Sports, Business Week, Debating, Australian Competitions etc. Carlingford High School is the member of the Ku-ring-Gai Zone Secondary School Sports Association participates in swimming, Athletics and cross Country, soccer, netball, touch Football and ultimate Frisbee. The address and contact number of Carlingford High School is also used for Carlingford High School reunion, Carlingford High School annual report, Carlingford High School ranking, Carlingford High School bus and Carlingford High School hsc ranking. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Carlingford High School is mentioned in below section.

Address of Carlingford High School

The address of Carlingford High School is North Rocks Road, Carlingford NSW 2118, Australia.

Contact Number of Carlingford High School

The contact number of Carlingford High School is +61 2 9871 4222.

Email Address of Carlingford High School

The email address of Carlingford High School is

Website of Carlingford High School

The Website of Carlingford High School is

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Carlingford High School Address Contact Number
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