Camp Mabry Address and Contact Number

Camp Mabry Contact Phone Number is : +15127825101

and Address is 2200 West 35th Street, Austin, Texas, USA
Camp Mabry is the army camp of Texas Military located in Texas, USA. The whole base camp is built in total area of about 90 acres. It falls at the distance of 5 km to west of Mopac Expressway. The camp is named after Brigadier General Woodford H. Mabry, who has been Adjutant General of Texas from 1891 to 1898. It is the oldest military installation houses regional training Institute for army personnel. Texas Military Forces Museum is also built inside the camp, the base also listed in National Register of Historical Places on August 30, 1996. The camps has facility of storage buildings, a clinic, maintenance shop. The address and contact number of Camp Mabry is also used for Camp Mabry lodging, Camp Mabry jobs, Camp Mabry Museum, Camp Mabry map and Camp Mabry commissary. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Camp Mabry is mentioned in below section.

Address of Camp Mabry

The address of Camp Mabry is 2200 West 35th Street, Austin, Texas, USA.

Contact Number of Camp Mabry

The contact number of Camp Mabry is +15127825101.

Email Address of Camp Mabry

The email address of Camp Mabry is .

Website of Camp Mabry

The Website of Camp Mabry is .

Camp Mabry Address Contact Number
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