Bowles Hall Address and Contact Number

Bowles Hall Contact Phone Number is :

and Address is Gayley Road, University of California, Berkeley, Califorina, USA
Bowles Hall is the male residence hall owned by the University of California, Berkeley. It was established in 1928. Bowles Hall has gained popularity for its unusual traditions, parties, and camaraderie. It has been designed by George W. Kelham and was the first State operated Student's residence hall. Bowles Hall was built in the memory of its alumnus Phillip E. Bowles by his wife Mary McNear Bowles. The hall has been given an appearance of medieval castle with a stone exterior and a wood entryway. The address and contact number of Bowles Hall is also used for Bowles Hall quad, Bowles Hall drinking song lyrics, Bowles Hall songbook, Bowles Hall traditions, Bowles Hall parking lot and Bowles Hall bathroom. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Bowles Hall is mentioned in below section.

Address of Bowles Hall

The address of Bowles Hall is Gayley Road, University of California, Berkeley, Califorina, USA.

Contact Number of Bowles Hall

The contact number of Bowles Hall is .

Email Address of Bowles Hall

The email address of Bowles Hall is .

Website of Bowles Hall

The Website of Bowles Hall is

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Bowles Hall Address Contact Number
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