Birmingham Nec Address and Contact Number

Birmingham Nec Contact Phone Number is : +44 121 780 4141

and Address is Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom
National Exhibition Centre (NEC), Birmingham is an exhibition venue in Birmingham. National Exhibition Centre opened in 1976 and has 21 halls. The center is one of the biggest exhibition centre in United Kingdom, which is used for 160 exhibitions annually. Approximately, 2.5 million visitors take a look of these exhibitions every year. The address and contact number of Birmingham Nec is also used for Birmingham Nec Hotels, Birmingham Nec seating plan, Birmingham Nec classic car show, Birmingham Nec wedding fair, Birmingham Nec jobs, Birmingham Nec bike show and Birmingham Nec parking. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Birmingham Nec is mentioned in below section.

Address of Birmingham Nec

The address of Birmingham Nec is Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Birmingham Nec

The contact number of Birmingham Nec is +44 121 780 4141.

Email Address of Birmingham Nec

The email address of Birmingham Nec is

Website of Birmingham Nec

The Website of Birmingham Nec is

Birmingham Nec Source of Knowledge
Birmingham Nec Address Contact Number
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