Asomiya Khabar Address and Contact Number

Asomiya Khabar Contact Phone Number is : 0361 - 2477291

and Address is MIE, Cycle Factory, Kalaphar Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati -781016
Asomiya khabar is a daily Newspaper published in Guwahati and Jorhat. Asomiya khabar published in Assamese language. The address and contact number of Asomiya Khabar is also used for Asomiya Khabar photos, Asomiya Khabar rate card, Asomiya Khabar contact details and Asomiya Khabar latest News. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Asomiya Khabar is mentioned in below section.

Address of Asomiya Khabar

The address of Asomiya Khabar is MIE, Cycle Factory, Kalaphar Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati -781016.

Contact Number of Asomiya Khabar

The contact number of Asomiya Khabar is 0361 - 2477291.

Email Address of Asomiya Khabar

The email address of Asomiya Khabar is .

Website of Asomiya Khabar

The Website of Asomiya Khabar is

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Asomiya Khabar Address Contact Number
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Asomiya Khabar User Reports

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Mr. Drgulshan Sharma.Nov 16, 2013
Excellent reading. Keep it up. Congratulations to entire editorial team.
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Mr. Mr. Narottam Ghosh.Oct 05, 2013
Respected Sir, My name is Narottam Ghosh and I am from Barpeta (Chenga-Bahari), Assam, further, stating that I want to join as a reporter in your news paper (KHABAR). So, lastly please kindly let me know, if there is any vacancy available for the post of reporter for "Chenga-Bahari" region
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Mr. Md Ikram AliAug 18, 2013
Thank you for your e-paper available in online. But can you please introduce the option to view back dated paper in your website. I think it will help us to see the back dated Newspaper in need. Thanking you and regards;

Md Ikram Ali
Department of Civil Engineering
IIT, Guwahati
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