Amosup Address and Contact Number
Amosup Contact Phone Number is : (02) 527 8491-98, Fax No : 527 3534
and Address is Cabildo cor. Sta. Potenciana St. Intramuros, Manila, PhilippinesAMOSUP full name is Associated Marine OffICErs and Seamens Union Of the Philippines.Amosup is a Government body which takes care of Underwater activities in the Country. The address and contact number of Amosup is also used for Amosup benefits, Amosup provident fund, Amosup membership requirements, Amosup members, Amosup retirement, Amosup sailors home, Amosup intramuros and Amosup seamen's Hospital. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Amosup is mentioned in below section.
Address of Amosup
The address of Amosup is Cabildo cor. Sta. Potenciana St. Intramuros, Manila, Philippines.Contact Number of Amosup
The contact number of Amosup is (02) 527 8491-98, Fax No : 527 3534.Email Address of Amosup
The email address of Amosup is of Amosup
The Website of Amosup is this information
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