Mr. RevdDavidSerembaSr.Dec 21, 2022 We, the Executive Board of Trustees for Planning, Development and Promotion for the; "INTER-FAITH AID MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL-INC, USA,
Wish to Request a Tax-deductible Grant of $ 6. six million for our Humanity /Education Fund for Sponsoring the ; Orphaned Children and Poor Needy Youth Adult for Continuing of their Education, up to (BA, MA, and PhD Levels. Any Check, Should be written in the Names of the above Organization:
"INTER-FAITH AID MINISTRY INTERNATIONAL-INC, USA; And, we request that You Choose one of your Staff to deliver that Check to our Address at:
33 Albury Stone Circle, Apt. 1A
Nashua City,
New Hampshire State-Zip-03063-USA. Therefore, we hope to hear from you soon and Deeply Appreciate your Generosity; in full-filling this Request. Thank You. Stay Safe. Be Blessed by God,
Revd. Chaplain DavidSeremba Sr. (CEO) Senior Executive President/Founder (UGA) and (USA) (Since 1960).
Mr. OLAYANJU TAIWOSep 28, 2022 i need help to provide for my family because i have heard a lot about him please he should help me so that i will be a great man in my family
Mr. PIESLAK DavidJun 30, 2022 Bonjour
Je me presente Mr Pieslak David
J'aurai besoin de joindre en urgence Mr DANGOTE pour le sujet suivant. Objet: Le nouveau modele economique de l'Afrique et ce message n'est pas une blague c'est tres serieu et important. Je reste a votre entiere disposition. Cordialement
Tel et whatsapp: 00212 six 84 19 55 93 et 00212 seven 60 80 08 64.
Mr. Dannon RomarioMar 20, 2022 Hello Chairman, am writing from BENIN, i finish to study and i do not find job. My familly are poor, and i want to beging business and i do not money to start. Please i need your help. MY number is +22952341650.
Ms. Theresa Inikpi IornemNov 12, 2021 Peace be unto a great man of Nigeria. Please kindly be a shareholder in my organization, Dream Naija. It's a reality TV show that is working on the criticism of BBnija by making sure we set a standard that maintains and preserves Nigeria culture and heritage, decency and morality. Am a young and struggling undergraduate, but very optimistic that this dream is achievable. Hopefully I expect a response from you sir. Stay blessed
Kindly reach me for more information and details about the business proposal.
Mr. Ajiji Jacob yakovSep 02, 2021 Sir, please I do not know how to start, but I need your help sir please. 09013701524. Is my contact thank you.
Ms. amet gayeMar 30, 2021 Bonjour je m'appelle Amet Gaye je suis a la recherche de boulot je travaille comme journalier au sein du cimenterie de dangote du senegal ou on ne se sent pas comme des travailleurs mais des gens non respecter on na pas de d'equipement )combinaison, gan, masque,). On nous paye 3000 fcfa par jour ce qui ne couvre meme pas la depense journaliere d'une personne a forte raison d'un pere de famille, ;::
Mr Dangote si ces affirmations ne sont pas convaincantes veiller faire une enquete aupres des journaliers de votre usine au senegal nous ne parvenons pas a joindre les two bout aupres de notre famille :
mon numero est le +221 76 132 21 34
Ms. Akorede OluwabukunmiOct 02, 2017 You are great, but please help me am a graduate and no work yet
But you guys have been doing good ever since you started
Mr. Abillion youth empowermentJul 18, 2016 AbillionYouthEmpowermentdriving school and transportation, this as been an organization that as been building way of employment for our Nigerian youth and creating a save environment ( accident free, robbery free and joblessness )please we look forward for your help to improve this organization. All private organization can employ our staff, transportation organization can employ our staff, government can also employ our staff too. Thanks for your understanding. For more information kindly call +2349093244649,
Ms. ALEXIS ABDOULAYEMay 19, 2016 i m ALEXIS a Chadian and Chemical Engineer from Ahmadu Bello University.Sir i would like you to invest in Chad because enven your cement is sold in Chad more than Chad cement
Ms. Aubrey MondelaMar 01, 2016 Seeking for a job
CEO, Dangote Company at Dangote Group Hon. Aliko Dangote
and we agree each other to pay my school fees and Hon. Aliko Dangote give to me instruction to call account manager with this number +23409025640047, but this number i found is not reachable please help me to get mobile number and email
thanks for your concern to me.
Ms. renee salvayreFeb 17, 2016 Paris le
Cher Monsieur Aliko Dangote
je me permets de vous écrire afin de vous signaler ma situation.comme Jésus l'avais dit dans la bible demandez et vous recevrez cherchez et vous trouverez frappez et l' on vous ouvriras voila que je viens frappe et demandez la grâce d'une aide financier je suis au bout de boulot car je ne parviens plus a m'en sortir je suis cribler de dette j'ai été malade pendant six mois ce la fait que je ne parvenais plus a travailler ni a payer mes facture je suis entrée dans une engrenage de prendre des dette pour remboursée d'autre du coup je ne parviens plus a m'en sortir c'est pour ce la que je viens verre vous pour que vous m'aidez a retombé sur mes pas Merci d'avance
voici mon Adresse Salvayre Renee 32 rue des saules 78370 plaisir France.
Mr. thaer mahmoudFeb 12, 2016 Dear Sir how are you today I am Mahmoud from Syria and live in Egypt someone send me to my email message I hope you will take the necessary steps and I'm ready to help you with this is the text of the message:
I'm sorry, I can not call or receive calls at this time, due to the nature of security here in my country Nigeria, but I'll make time and call with a line of Insurance in case of need arises. My biggest priority of contacting you is to propose a business that requires immediate and rapid implementation. I am Willing to give you all the necessary information about me once trust is established between us. Please read and get back to me. But remember that it will Benefit you in all ramifications. I'm ALHAJI Aliko Dangote, Nigeria industrial and also a head of an DANGOTE Group of Companies Nigeria. My family Is under threat from President Gen. Muhammadu Buhari because I decided to support and be a democratic government in Nigeria, this is true. That was the Reason why he is not hap.
Mr. Mohamed FOFANAFeb 12, 2016 Bonjour M. Akiko. Je me prenomme MohamedFofana. Je suis guinéen où je réside d'ailleurs. Je suis diplômé en droit public et évolue actuellement dans l'enseignement. Je suis économiquement pauvre mais très riche en culture intellectuelle. J'ai envie de me lancer dans l'agriculture, mais je n'ai pas les moyens dde mon ambition. Je rédige le présent dans l'intention de bénéficier de votre générosité pour pouvoir réaliser mon projet. Aidez moi s'il vous plait. Bien cordialement. MohamedFofana.
Ms. Grace JohnsonFeb 04, 2016 Please SIR good evening SIR, my name is Grace Chukwu from anambra state here in Nigeria. Please I need your financial help to send my daughter who is diagnosed of hapetites B virus to hospital, the hospital charged us #140, 000 to give her total treatment, but I and my husband do not have it now due to his challenges he encountered in his business, as I am writing to you we have been sent parking to the village because we can no longer afford our house rent fee which is #250, 000 for the one bedroom flat apartment here in port Harcourt. Please SIR my daughter health is more important than the house rent fee for me please. Help me. My email is Thank you SIR and may God Almighty prosper you more. Amen.
Mr. mwangi karanjaFeb 02, 2016 Its great for offering us this opportunity to address you. We apreciate you entry into kenyan business. Your interest in cement and dairy industry is indeed welcome for the growth of our economy. Kindly i have a piece of land tha could be very ideal for your operations. Its 40km from Nairob on Thika super highway. Its 240 acres each 12m ksh. The land has two rivers and all the necessary utilities for an industrial park. Kindly respond. Regads karanja.
Mr. Mwansa Barnaby BwalyaDec 04, 2015 Greetings, My Names are Mwansa Bwalya from Lusaka Zambia. Dante group is doing a great job in Zambia, However my request is can you also trade in other areas like health fitness business? for example you create "Dangote Youth Fitness and Wellness Centre". The business that no-one has thought about. If it is doable then contact me via email.
Mr. Sebenzile Sidney DlodloOct 03, 2015 We are the Former Members of Former Liberation Forces(NSF, who are unemployed, but having business ideas and plan for business issues, such as small scale mining, tar pit, aqua-fishery, poultry, piglets, stock and agriculture and stock- farming. We are registered co-operative having all necessary documents to start a potential business. Now we are requesting and appealing African and International Countries to support us by purchasing our product of Siyakha General Stone Rock Product Manufacturing where by we intending manufacture any stone rock product such as crush stone, concrete, sandstone bricks, tombstones, ceramic tiles, actual any stone rock product that is needed in the market world. Our work-site have potential dolerites stone rock, Sabhungu, sand. Now we our approaching various countries that producing oil, to assist us by supplying Tar Pit Liquid that suitable for tar road construction. We have attached and forwarded all our necessary documents for support.
Mr. abdourahman moussa ahmedSep 18, 2015 Good days Chairman and ceo / Aliko Dangote
we come by this kindly express yourself our understanding about the benefits of your group, our country the republic of Djibouti developed its port infrastructure and airport which are the engines of dévelloppement, the purpose of my contact is the real estate that the government our country is put in first and will be an opportunity for your group we are ready to give you more information by inviting you to Djibouti in this term, although it will hold on to your agreements you receive the highest authority, we hope to your group a cordial response. We thank you and we ask for your experiences. Best regards
Abdourahman Moussa
Tel : 00253 77865279
Tel Office :00253 21351220
Republic of Djibouti.
Mr. Adeleke Oluwarotimi AdedapoSep 16, 2015 Good Day sir, Adeleke Oluwarotimi is my name, sir I want you to assist me in getting a job in one of your company. Sir, I have B. Sc in Public Administration at OOU university. Sir am ready to work and also good in driving, marketing, I also have interersonal relations skill and am ready to work under presure if I have the privilege to work with you am married with two kids. Thanks and God bless +2347031119114
Hello sir, Good-Day sir, My Name is Ogochukwu From minna Niger State Nigeria. Conplement Of The Season Sir, Sir I Want To Info' You About A Very Big Complex In Minna That Is For Sale Of which I know That It Will Be Good For Your Product And Offices Sir Hope To Hear From You Soon Sir. Thanks.
Mr. Enebeli kevinJul 06, 2014 Well i will say aliko dangote is a successful business man which i may say he is not only a successful businessman but also an intelligent, honest man who determination for business result to his present state of being and i must confess god is truly on his side and now i know the saying that heaven help those who help themselves is true and i wish he could also help me too.
Mr. Nwadike Leonard IJun 25, 2014 Good day sir,congratulations on all your achievements so far, it shows that allah is by your side. Most of all am greatly overjoyed to learn about the current initiatives for your foundation. Truly, its in giving back to the society that we even achieve true and greater success. My name is leonard nwadike, founder of global org for youth enlightenment and dev. Which is an ngo that focuses on the role youths can play to enhance societal development. We would like to have you in our board. I believe in building an african ngo that will inspire african youths to become truly great leaders. We anticipate your invovlement as to this regards. God bless you and your good efforts.
Mr. armand amoussouNov 07, 2013 Hi mr aliko dangote. I am armand amoussou, Now in nigeria west africa, A nationality of benin republic i know you are a god sent person to humanity, My main objective of browsing is to seek assistance from you, Right from my en fancy ive being suffering, My parent couldnt afford to see me through at list even my basic education, Due to that i dropped out at primary, And learned domestic cooking, To enable me help my kid brothers and sisters, Things are not really moving well for me, That is why I am asking you for your financial support, I beg of you poverty is killing me, And i cannot stop sending you email till you reply me, I know you have being a great helped to many people around the world, Please help me am dealing you are my only hope please, If there is any way you can help me, Let me know please. You can contact me on my email address. Amoussou. Or call my mobile. Please help me, Anything you can do for me. And god blesses you.
Mr. armand amoussouNov 07, 2013 Hi mr dangote. I am armand amoussou, Now in nigeria west africa, A nationality of benin republic i know you are a god sent person to humanity, My main objective of browsing is to seek assistance from you, Right from my en fancy ive being suffering, My parent couldnt afford to see me through at list even my basic education, Due to that i dropped out at primary, And learned domestic cooking, To enable me help my kid brothers and sisters, Things are not really moving well for me, That is why I am asking you for your financial support, I beg of you poverty is killing me, And i cannot stop sending you email till you reply me, I know you have being a great helped to many people around the world, Please help me am dealing you are my only hope please, If there is any way you can help me, Let me know please. You can contact me on my email address. Amoussou. Or call my mobile. Please help me, Anything you can do for me. And god blesses you.
Mr. Hon Adekunle Tunji RafiuNov 02, 2013 Your honour am from an agrarian community in Oyo state of Nigeria precisely Saki .The area used to be the provincial headquarters of Oyo north region but basically neglected by past and present administration in terms development and particularly industrialization .The only gainfully job opportunities are teaching and okada riding. Kindly send in your team of foreign partners to visit the area with a view of rescue us from neglect .As the only expected Mariah please come to our aid.
Ms. Sister Agness LunguOct 07, 2013 Since the hospital was started in 1941, the water pipes have never been changed leading to a lot of leakages which has resulted in high hospital water bills. We need to change all the water pipes by putting the new ones and electing up a water tank. These are the major problems that Likuni Mission Hospital is planning to rectify.
Likuni Mission Hospital has a total catchment population of 169,000; people who are largely low income rural farmers, small scale traders and sub urban wage earners. Health statistics of the community are correspondingly poor. May you help us to know if this is a Project that your Foundation might support? If so, may you please let me know how I can apply for funding?
The hospital, to which we are the managing agency, will also need to find strategic partners that can help upgrade its infrastructure to the required standard.
Mr. Duru Stanley ChukwudiOct 04, 2013 Aliko Dangote is the type of people Nigerians need. He has offered jobs to many Nigerians,Africans and the world in general.
I wish i could see him to let him no an inspired idea i have that would go a long way to enlightening and empowering our teeming unemployed youths.The idea would help realize the potential God has deposited in our youths but many die with their vision and talent.
I pray God to bless him with good health and long life,
+234 803 3644 909
President Reachout Foundation
(For the sick and Needy)